Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Whole Month Has Gone By......

It has been an entire month since I posted on my little blog.  I blame it on the sunshine.  During the winter when the sky is cloudy and it is cold outside I tend to stay in the house which equals spending more time on my computer.  Now that it is spring/summer I try to get out of the house as much as possible.  That activity has been halted by the extreme heat and humidity we are experiencing.  We are on day 14 (I think, but my brain is fried) of over 90 degree heat combined with insufferable humidity.  Today is will be 97 with a heat index in the triple digits.  After watching the weather report this morning, it appears there is no relief in sight. 

How is the weather where you are?  If you are in one of those places where the storms are spawning tornado's I am keeping good thoughts for you.  If you are somewhere in the sun and 70-80 degree heat, well I will just think you are bragging...lol. 

Talk to me. 


  1. Today it's upper-70's, near 80 today with showers and thunderstorms. Had weather similar to yours not too long ago. Glad for the relief. Hope there's an end in sight for you soon!

  2. Well, I was going to complain, but I really have no idea how it feels with humidity involved as well. BUT Its been over 100 each day here. It stinks! For some reason the first few hot days cause our water heater to shut off too. So, not only do you sweat to death all night, but when you get up to shower in the morning its in ice cold water! Since Hubby works nights there is no one here to light it for me (again) so I usually just suffer thru them. LOL

  3. Hey Keli~ just stopped by to say Hi and tell you thanks for leaving comments on my blog. I hope your heat spell has passed. I am "wishing" we had a little heat spell this month, but alas all we get is 60's.

    Hope the rest of your summer is blessed by those you love.

    God Bless

  4. Hi Keli! It's been hot and humid here too. I'll be thinking about you this weekend!
