Monday, November 2, 2009

Sewing, sewing and more sewing

I have been reorganizing and going through the bins of craft stuff I have hanging around.  I found lots of material that I forgot I had (at my age that is probably normal).  I had made some purses when I was in Boston over the summer, and thought I would make a few more.  Here are the first two I made late last week.  I think I am going to try to sell them in my flea market booth over the next few weeks.  Hopefully with the holidays approaching, they will sell and I will have Christmas money.  I also found some patterns for little girls dresses and jumpers, so I might try my hand at those too!  Stay tuned, I will post more sewing project pictures as I progress. 


  1. Those are very cute!!! If you make them a tad bigger, they could be custom diaper bags:)

  2. Nice purses. I also sew sometimes. My most recent artistic projects were baby quilts for my grandchildren. I made 5, bought fabric for one more and whoops - got behind. I have 7 grandkids. Fun eh? I live in western Canada.
